Sunday, July 26

SERANGAN, Turtle Island

The secrec't out. Every bemo driver in Bali will tell you about this great right and left reefbreak, now accessible by car due to the filling in Benoa Harbour, just 15 minutes from Kuta. Works on all tides and all size swells. Consistent but therefore very crowded. But this means Nusa Dua is not so crowded these days, especialy on the big days.

There used to be a rusty shipwreck on the reef here along which a crazy right hander used to peel dangerously close to the hull, but the boat has now been salvaged offf the reef. Peter Ceawforde, the late-great legend photographer and te times world kneeboard champ, captured some insane photos of surfers taking off and getting barreled barely a foot away from the slime and barnacle encrusted hull of the shipwreck which he called 'Crumple Car' - R.I.P.P.C ! (Source : Indo Surf & Lingo by Peter Neely)


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